CarPro Clay Bar – Set of 3
Product Description
CarPro Clay Bar – Set of 3 -Offered in 3 grades our Detailing Clay deeply cleans painted and glass surfaces and removes a variety of contaminants including tree sap, bug residue, paint overspray, road tar, rail dust and mineral deposits. It is even safe to use on chrome, glass, and fiberglass! All our clays are paint safe when used properly with our claying lubricant.
Here is a step by step guide to help you work through the process:
Start off by tearing the clay in to two pieces and taking one half, mould it in your hand until it becomes soft and pliable. If the Clay is too hard to work soft, simply pop it in a cup of warm water for several minutes to warm it up and you’ll find that it will soften enough to use. If you have never clayed before then it would be advisable to use the fine poly clay rather than a more aggressive grade to minimise miss-use and reduce any marring.
Assuming that you have previously washed the car to remove as much debris as possible leave the car wet as this helps with lubrication work from the top to the bottom of the vehicle and a panel at a time divided into sections. Spray some of the lube on to the area and using slight pressure rub the clay up and down following the lines of the car. You will probably hear a noise a little like sand paper but do not be alarmed as this is the clay picking up the contamination off the panel. Once this noise stops you know that the area is clean, or alternatively if you wipe the area with an all-purpose microfiber the panel should be very smooth rather than rough to the touch. If not smooth, then repeat the process until you achieve this. If the clay seems to stick to the panel then you need to use more lubrication, the more the merrier as it will not harm the car. Always clay in a cool shady area, out of the wind.
Regularly fold the clay in half and remould until you have a clean side and continue the process. If the car is heavily contaminated and you reach a point where you are folding the clay and cannot get a clean side, then use the other half of the remaining clean clay bar that you tore in half previously.
Repeat this process all over the car including your windows and mirrors (you can also do your alloys) as these too will pick up contamination, the same as the painted areas.
Once you have completed the car it is best to re-wash again using the 2 bucket method to fully remove any dried on clay lube and debris that you may have loosened before continuing with the next stage. Dry the surface properly with a Microfiber towel of Waffle towel.
See CARPRO IMMOLUBE clay lubricant
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