Carpro CQuartz Applicator
- With the CQUARTZ coatings this CarPro CQuartz Applicator allows you to change the applicator cloth as needed because you do not want to re-use them if you have allowed the coating to cure on them for very long
- Use to apply CQUARTZ, CQ UK, Finest, DLUX, CQ Fabric & Leather, and other products
- New: Side slits to press the corners of the suede into the applicator with a plastic card or similar before use
- Immediately after use gently rinse applicator side of foam block, press dry, and allow to air dry completely before next use. When in doubt replace
- Size: 3.5″ x 1.5″ x 1″. Color: Stiff orange foam with grey ultra-soft applicator foam on applicator side
When applying Coatings, be mindful that they are time sensitive because the coating will begin to harden as soon as it is exposed to oxygen. Coatings are very easy to apply, but you must apply it with care because you only receive enough product for one vehicle. Follow the Product manufacturers guides, but remember, it is better to start wiping the coating sooner than later. Test the coated surface every 30 seconds using a small piece of suede cloth on the surface and the moment it becomes slightly sticky or grabby; it is time to start wiping. Leaving a Coating on too long will result in difficulty trying to wipe the surface smooth and you will have to polish it all off and start again. If you are unsure or feel uncomfortable to apply the coating, it is always advisable to rather consult an experienced, professional detailer to do the application for you. It is also advisable to do a test patch in an inconspicable area.
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